All booking fees are non-refundable. Payment of your booking fee is required to confirm your booking and cancellation of such booking will result in forfeiture of your booking fee.
All bookings cancelled less than 7 days prior to travel must be paid for in full.
Hire over-run fees will be charged in the amount of $50 per 15 mins for additional time required on the day. This amount can either be paid by cash to your driver.
Strictly no smoking in any of our vehicles
No illegal substance to be consumed in any of our vehicles
Each vehicle is only to be filled to maximum carrying capacity
Seat belts must be worn
Breakages of glasses will be charged at $10 per glass (drivers discretion)
We reserve the right to charge a cleaning fee of $250 should one of vehicles become unreasonably clean (eg cigarette burns, vomit etc)
Whilst we make every effort to have our vehicles arrive on time, every time, we cannot be held responsible for traffic delays, accidents etc. We will make every effort to organise alternative transport in this event.